CASE 1: Key Concepts in Ethics
Case to analyze: I once was at school and we were writing an essay and I was stuck on it. One of my friends said I could have copied theirs because they knew I had to pass to play sports. I really wanted to copy his essay but I knew It would be the wrong choice to do. It was either cheat to pass, so I could play sports or be honest and just try my best to come up with something. As what we've learned from the discussion from Human act in key concept of ethics. This action tells that to a person has done voluntarily, willingness and knowledgeable and free to do things with his own will. This act is performed by an individual person who possessed in many reasons to act. This case the person hasn’t done any action yet, but due to the fact that the person is aware of what his situation, if he will do or not is a part of human act. It is a human activity because the person is aware of the said dilemma between chea...